Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today it was announced that the returner visas for Canada have been cancelled effective immediately, which means we can only stay one year now, which is pretty stink. We'll have to think of some other travel plans I guess!


  1. You should go to New Zealand I hear its a great place. VERY LOVELY PEOPLE THERE.

  2. Ever heard of being an illegal alien!??!

  3. Ha, we definitely have a few more places to see before NZ!

    Considering illegal alien status, possible sham Canadian weddings too

  4. i know a girl in canada and she's a total babe! if either of you are interested, just let me know.

  5. ps. marie has been gushing about her postcard and wants me to thank you two, and say that you didn't have to but it was simply lovely that you did and she's so pleased to hear from and aren't you kind to an old lady. while she was complimenting you two i got to eat savouries and chips and dip. win win!
