Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Because of the weather on Grouse, it was closed for 2 days. While we weren't working we went to visit Gastown and China Town. Gastown is a pretty cool part of town, it's a national historic site and looks really pretty. It has lots of fun shops and a steam powered clock.

China Town was fun also. We went to the Chinese gardens which were the first of their kind built outside China. They were really nice and had turtles and giant carp which were pretty cool.

China Town was pretty traditional, with shops selling heaps of strange things. We didn't buy anything because we didn't know what anything was, but one day with more time and exploring it'd be a pretty fun place to shop for spices and things.

Today (Wednesday) Grouse opened, not because it snowed but because we had a couple of school groups coming and as they just use the beginner slopes they opened to make some money. In the end they cancelled, but at least we got to go to work and earn some money. This is what it looked like:

This is how slushy everything is:

This is Sam and Eric, who we work with, frowning because the snow is yuck:

Everywhere is usually covered in snow, no rocks or gravel or anything, so it looks pretty different at the moment. The mountain hosting the Olympic events has closed for the winter to save all its snow to build a halfpipe. Hopefully they have enough, and hopefully it snows on Grouse soon so it's less yucky and dirty looking!

1 comment:

  1. So it's Wednesday over there and the snow that was predicted hasn't arrived what a shame. Oh well as you said at least you got to go to work. I was reading about China Town the other night also they were saying there is a huge aquarium in Stanley Park. Have you been to that??
