Thursday, February 11, 2010

Almost Olympics!

Yesterday we got to catch up with Blake, and he gave us 2 passes to watch him train this morning. So this morning we went out to the Pacific Coliseum to see him.

There were lots of gates and security to get through, and no one had seen our 'friends and family' passes before, but they let us through anyway. But they did make us go through a metal detector which I guess is something. The stadium was decorated to look nice and pretty and Olympic themed.

Blake was pretty speedy,

but he had some blade troubles which he dealt with pretty casually.

After Blakes training, the Japanese team had their turn. They had pretty sweet outfits so we took photos.

New Zealands is the best and least cheesy by far. Australia's is definately the worst.

This is the heat for Blakes first race.

This is a Mountie protecting everyone. I liked his hat. You can tell Mounties from Police because they have a stripe on their pants.

Then we went to work and it was time for the Olympic Torch to come up the mountain. Sam got confused and ended up with this on his face.

Every one got pretty excited and shook bear bells. Including me.

Then the torch went past. It was a suprisingly big flame, which explained why the torch bearer went on the tram roof, rather than inside. It was also quite lucky, because due to an Olympic miricle it snowed. Hard. And visibility was pretty low.

Some people had better views than others.

The Olympics are getting pretty close, only two days til the opening ceremony. During the Olypmics we have to dress in things supporting our countries. If anyone has any suggestions on what we can make/buy to wear, let us know because we don't have anything really!


  1. Wow snow at last. Its a shame you didn't know about the dress code before 'cos I ould have sent you over stuff. You could just get Samuel to paint silver ferns on your clothes, or NZ's or kiwis!!!

  2. dress as maori, obviously. no one will know what the hell is going on when sam busts out the haka and you start pukana-ing everywhere.

    nz rules.

  3. Sounds pretty cool to be a part of the olympics

  4. Have been checking out the ads just in case you are on there!!!

  5. these worked a treat.!/photo.php?pid=4996294&id=566423241&fbid=332076403241

    what you will need:
    card board
    red spray paint
    white electrical tape

    and possibly two other kiwis to make up the four stars.

  6. What the hell are bear bells? They look like bears balls!

  7. They're these things we're meant to ring when Canada gets a medal. They're for hikers to wear to keep bears away. I would have thought it would work in reverse because a bear would think it sounds like a tasty cat coming its way. Ours are special Grouse ones that have 3 bells for the 3 mountains in Vancouver
