Saturday, February 13, 2010


hello readers, last night we had our first overnight shift at work & it was really good. this picture shows sara & i drinking hobo speed. it demonstrates our commitment to wide-eyed excellence.

as you may know, the opening ceremony was yesterday & it went off without a hitch. there was a big firework display in the harbour which we could easily see/feel from our house.
we have just been for a walk through town & it is BUZZING!

some people aren't so excited about certain aspects of the olympic games & today they staged a protest. some of the protesters got the wrong memo or something & dressed up as ninjas & wrecked & vandalised some store-fronts and properties, which, if you are to make a point about money being wasted, doesn't make a whole lotta sense. eh. these are some repair trucks.

we also visited the olympic torch which was very crowded but a grand sight!


  1. what is hobo speed? i did google it but only came up with information about the hobo spider....'The hobo spider runs at an average speed of about 0.45 meters (17 inches) per second....'

  2. I later found out it has a maximum speed of 1.1meters per second!

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  4. Thanks James, I was going to ask what Hobo Speed is too. I guess its the Canadian version of V !!

  5. No its a NZ thing. Its coke/pepsi with a tsp of instant coffee

  6. Love the sweatshirt Sara. That's class!
