Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night it snowed 11cm at Grouse! It didn't make much difference, but it looks a bit nicer. It didn't snow on all the runs so I don't know if we'll get any busier, but at least its less slippery on the way to the rental store!

A bit deeper than the last feet photo I took

I'm about to get snowballed

View from the backdoor of rentals

What it looks like in rentals

On another note, before work we went to the market on Granville Island again and met these guys. I don't know if they're poodles that are unclipped or some kind of cross but they were really cute. People here love to have dogs even though its the middle of the city, they especially love dog breeds with funny names like cock-a-poo

Sam making friends

These were some of the treats for sale. YUM

Hopefully the snow keeps up and its nice for the people who visit for the Olympics. Not far away now!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a lovely view of the city from the rental shop. Can't say I've ever seen a dog like them before. The white ones face kind of looks a bit like a Beardie. Maybe they are beardie poodle cross!! I hope you get a bit more snow as long as its not too much.
