Friday, April 2, 2010

Mexico city, day one

Today we set off to the zona rosa, which is an area near where we are staying. We went to visit a giant gold angel called glorieta angel de la independencia. She was really cool and everything in that area is so tidy with such nice lush gardens. While we were there we met a fake policeman with a Velcro badge who tried to sell us a trip to the pyramids, we didn't take up his offer. Today is good friday, meaning everything is closed to mourn Jesus and reenact the crucifixtion, but most people seemed to be in the gardens we went to which were also really cool, there were heaps of museums, galleries and a zoo to see, but we're going to explore more when it isn't a public holiday. There were lakes with pedal boats but the water was an opaque green so we'll test them out when I'm not wearing a white dress. We resorted to dominos for lunch because it was least confusing and pretty delicious. Siesta time now then maybe we'll study some menu ordering techniques, and maybe off to the pyramids tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You learn something new every day, I never knew that Mexico had pyramids
