Monday, April 12, 2010

Montezumas revenge

On Saturday night Sam came down with a case of montezumas revenge, which involves a lot of spewing etc. so Sunday was mostly spent drinking Gatorade and eating imodium. Sam was too sick to leave the hostel so it was up to me to brave the markets alone to get some fruit so he could eat some thing. Numbers are not my forte in Spanish so I was a bit nervous but luckily the fruit was $20 and the water was $8, which are two of the only numbers I learnt, which made me happy even if the fruit was pretty pricey.

Today we explored Oaxaca, we looked through the markets, saw a dancing mascot (so funny I almost choked on my churro), had some chocolate snacks, and bought some trinkets. While we were out I saw a cute bag in the shape of a pig but it was about the size of a jack russel so way to big to get home, but I later found one the size of a piglet so bought that one with some successful haggling. He's so cute.

To get to Puerto Escondido it's 5 hours faster to get a second class bus so today we tried to suss out the second class bus station, but it smelt like poos so we went elsewhere and got minibus tickets, which will hopefully be more successful.

Tomorrow we are probably going to head out to see some ruins then off to Puerto Escondido the next dat


  1. You guys aren't doing too good with your upset tummies. Hopefully thats the last of it. I like the sound of your piglet bag. Have you heard anything about your summer jobs yet!!

  2. In Puerto Escondido stay at Tower Bridge backpackers. Ask for Steve.

  3. Craig already recommended him. He has some pretty sweet reviews, but alas we're staying elsewhere.

    No news on the summer jobs, it's not looking overly promising..
