Friday, April 2, 2010

The Union Forever

4 out of 4 Americans are not willing to trade airline seats so you can sit next to your girlfriend. And we were in the air again. From Seattle to dust etched Houston was a 6 hour flight and then short layover, enough to imbibe some tex-Mex, before we belted into our connecting flight. High above the gulf of Mexico at night we could see the torchlights of far off cantinas and lovers flames and taxicabs and pure fire until the endless sprawl of Mexico City formed absolutely. Once arrived our trepidation becomes tepid in the mixture of new air and foreign status. Our taxicab peels off it's rank and through crest filled highways we motor at inappriate speeds. Comfortably delivered to Bed and Breakfast Mexico, we rest our bodies upon our bed made of an unfurled blanket on soda cans and breathe our new home.

Today we are in Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, there is some very good descriptive language in there, your English teacher would be impressed.
