Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last days of the USA

We haven't written any thing in a while. We've been pretty busy trying to find somewhere to live, which we did tonight! Hooray!
We spent our last day in San Fran looking around the Haight Ashbury district which was pretty fun.

There are heaps of fun looking houses, and the Golden gate park, which is massive, is near by so it was pretty cool, we saw a bit of wildlife there.

We caught a Greyhound over night to Portland, and we thought it would be a good idea to get some sleeping pills before we did. It wasn't. For some reason they made us both really restless and fidgity, so neither of us got much sleep. 16 hours later we arrived in Portland.
Portland was really nice. It was very scenic and clean. They have a really good public transport system thats free so we got to see all off the city. They have this aerial tram that goes from one part of the health and science University to another which we went on and got to see some pretty good views including Mt St Helens. We didn't get up to too much, we just looked around the town, ate in some cool all American Diners that sort of thing. We thought of going to the Trailblazers (basketball) but they were sold out.

On Thursday the 26th it was thanksgiving which is pretty much like Christmas, everything is closed and everyone is going to see their families, so we decided not to stick around for that as it didn't really mean much to us, so we had booked our bus tickets for Vancouver for then. We set out in the morning, struck HEAPS of traffic. In the middle of nowhere there was just tons of cars, all going to their families, all at about 40kms an hour. On our bus was this weird guy who had something wrong with him, who took a liking to this Army guy – Captain Eric Carter. He was right behind us and chatted the whole time to The Captain about all this strange stuff, apart from one hour when he locked himself in the toilet. I was worried he would decapitate us once The Captain left, but he didn't. Once we left Seattle everything was fine, only about 7 people on our bus and no traffic. When we crossed the border, this girl on our bus, who had been on the bus for 3 days got denied entry. She was coming to visit a guy she met on the internet who she hadn't seen before, was planning on being there for 3 months and had $200 and no job. I guess I would have denied her entry too, but I felt sorry for her. Once we got to Vancouver we were pretty hungry since everything had been closed in the US. All I wanted was Gerry's quiche and crunchy potatoes, but I couldn't have them. Gutted. But we had finally arrived, so I cheered up and we started exploring the city.

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