Sunday, November 22, 2009

San Fran Tour

While in Brisbane my bro Jonathan had put us in contact with a US mate he made while in Europe who lives in San Francisco. So yesterday Sara & I had the privelige of a local's tour of San Francisco with our hosts Edward & Liz (end of tour photo).

Firstly we headed for this CRAZY impractical street called Lombard which looks like something a slalom skiier would carve.

Palace of Fine Arts is a sweet buiding constructed for a World's Fair in 1915

Next we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge & copped some amazing views of the bridge & city & THE ROCK from the hills above Sausalito. Really started to feel like we were in the Full House intro by now. Really good.

Below is Alcatraz with the Bay Bridge which connects Oakland to San Francisco in the background.

We returned to the city to take in some of Little Italy & Chinatown. These two districts aren't just a gimmick for tourists, rather Little Italy is full of Italian restaurants run by Italian families who have lived in the area for many generations including some of Liz's family.

Chinatown is huge & chaotic. 22 blocks of dim-sum & fishmongers selling dead turtles & people who can get by easily without ever having to learn english. Edward was keen for a snack so we got some take-out dim-sum, yum.

Edward took us out later for a dinner of local cuisine and produce, which was awesome. Next we met up with Liz who was at a friends birthday, then on to celebrate Edwards friend Johnny's engagement. We had heaps of fun & are grateful for the sights presented to us & the experiences shared.

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