Saturday, December 12, 2009


This isn't very interesting but these are some photos of our little apartment, its a studio apartment so it pretty much one room. Apart from the bathroom, which I didn't bother taking photos of because it just looks like any bathroom..

This is the sleeping part:

It is a furnished apartment, but we bought the linen. Note the sweet duvet we got. Very Canadian

Cooking part:

Dining/living part:

Another view:

And that's pretty much it.

On another note we posted all our Christmas presents back to our families today. We were warned that Canadian Post is very slow, but didn't realise how slow. When we posted something from the US it was 15-20 days, here delivery time is estimated to be 8 weeks. So no one should excitedly checking the mail box each day or anything.. Until the 15th of Feb.

1 comment:

  1. Did you send me the severed claw of a bear attached to a long, thick and fidgety rope? That's what I want.
