Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas day

Because of our work schedule and so that we had Christmas the same day as everyone in NZ, we had our Christmas on the 24th. As our Christmas present Sam's mum bought us a night in the Marriot, so we stayed there for Christmas eve, which was pretty fun. This was the view of North Vancouver from our room (note the olympic ring lights on the barge in the harbour).

We could even see our work from our room. This is a run called The Cut and the wind turbine The Eye of the Wind.

After some swimming in the hotel pool we went out for Christmas eve dinner, which since I haven't been paid yet, couldn't be very fancy. This is what we had:
Bottomless pepsi:

Burgers with bottomless steak fries:

And HEAPS of onion rings:

Then with the leftovers we could make the olympic rings!

The next morning we woke up and it was Christmas!

It wasn't a white Christmas unfortunately (the weather man said it only happens once or twice every 10 years). We opened presents, put on our Christmas outfits, then had a champange breakfast, or rather a metodo tradicional breakfast.


This is one of Sam's presents I made:

On our way back home, we stopped at the supermarket, and were considering buying some eggnog, but because it sounds gross we asked the guy working there what it tasted like. He opened it up and made samples for us.

This is what Sam thought of it:

We didn't buy any.

After that we went home where we had lots of Christmas mail waiting for us! This is what we got from Sophie and Mike to remind us of home, very cool.

Then we made some gingerbread men to take to work for everyone who has to work Christmas with us.

All in all a good day. It's pretty different having Christmas over here, it's strange that it doesn't signify the holiday season. People are still at school and uni, no one has work holidays, and we're really busy at work. It's fun to have change and have a winter Christmas like on TV, and to have everything be so Christmassy and pretty.


  1. Merry Christmas! Your day sounded good. Ours was too. Kim had all her chicks in the nest except you!

    I got a longboard from cam and a wetsuit from Kim and Gerry. I've been practicing in some bad surf a couple of times, and got up a couple of times, and got dumped several times. It's pretty fun though.

    We had eggnog that Gerry made and it was delicious. So delicious that I wish it didn't happen only at Christmas.

  2. Cool presents!

    What's in real eggnog? Ours tasted like melted icecream mixed with icing. Ew.

  3. I love the stuff! Everyone seems to have thier own recipe, but it usually involves eggs and sugar, milk and full cream and often bourbon and brandy / cognac.
    Pretty rich and you need to have a sweet tooth!

  4. Ours was $1.50 a litre so probably had a bunch of fake flavours. The supermarker people told us it was best with rum

  5. Hi had a brief look at how to comment - hopefully this works! was good to chat the other day, love to look at your photos - glad you had a good Christmas. We just got back from NZ today had to go via Sydney so took about 12 hours pretty tired. Keep havin fun:)
