Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas time

Its pretty christmassey here in Vancouver. These are some of the christmas things we've been up to. On Friday I (Sara) worked as Santa's helper which was pretty fun. I don't have any photo's of that, but Santa's workshop is pretty cool. Its this little hut that is used for renting snow shoes the rest of the year but at christmas has heaps of lights, nutcrackers, decorations and Santa added to make it look really cool and people can get their photo's taken with Santa if they make a donation.

On Sunday we went to the Santa Claus Parade, but it was really long and cold, so we didn't end up waiting for the end to see Santa, we did however see the olympic mascotts

This guy is my favourite. He's a sasquatch

This is Miss New Westminster. I guess they didn't have a lot of entrants this year..

This is Sam's christmas cupcake

And this is him destroying it..

This is our little chirstmas tree

Last night (Monday) we wen't to see the lights in Stanley Park which is a park near our house

This is the lake freezing over in the park. It's kind of hard to see

Even the racoons are getting into christmas, this one is eating a candy cane

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